Dr David Christopher King -- Curriculum Vitae Personal details 22 Horning Close NORWICH NR5 8DN United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) 7894 822184 Email: amigadave@amigadave.com Homepage: http://amigadave.com/ Date of birth: 4th June 1984 Education PhD Chemistry, "Sonochemical analysis of the output of ultrasonic dental descalers", University of Bath, UK, 2011 BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry (2:1), University of Bath, UK, 2005 A2-levels in Chemistry (C), Computing (B), Maths (D) and Physics (B), AS-level in Electronics (B), East Norfolk Sixth Form College, UK, 2002 GCSEs in Biology (A), Chemistry (A*), Electronics (B), English (B), Geography (B), German (B), Information Technology (C), Maths (A), Physics (A), Religious education (C), Cliff Park High School, UK, 2000 Work Experience Senior software engineer, Red Hat UK Ltd., UK, 2013--present GNOME Logs: a log viewer for the systemd journal, written in C and using GTK+ GNOME desktop: many other components of the GNOME Free software desktop Software engineer, Canonical Ltd., UK, 2012--2013 UOA (Ubuntu Online Accounts) settings panel for GNOME Control Center: UI component of UOA, written in Vala and using GTK+, D-Bus and accounts-sso Developer and user documentation for UOA, using gtk-doc, Mallard and DocBook XML accounts-sso: Numerous contributions to the underlying technology for UOA, also used in MeeGo and Tizen Software developer, Openismus GmbH, Germany, 2008--2011 Harmattan Contacts, 2011. Qt-based contact management libraries and daemon for the Nokia N9, using SPARQL and Tracker. Mentoring of trainee developers of varied skill levels and educational backgrounds Consulting on the writing and improvement of developer and user documentation Forward-porting and customisation work to maemo.org Bugzilla Maemomm, 2009. C++ bindings of several GObject-based C APIs for the Maemo 5 platform, together with complete tutorial documentation and code examples Maemo SDK release code cuts, 2009. Modification and testing of several components of the SDK to remove undesired functionality for public releases Extensive use of C, C++, Qt and GTK+/Gtkmm in daily programming tasks Contribution to several open source projects, including GTK+, Gtkmm and various other GNOME projects Department of Chemistry, University of Bath Maths tutor for 1st year chemistry, 2008--2009: teaching of 1st year chemistry undergraduates, involving one-to-one tuition and preparation and delivery of group workshops and lectures Laboratory demonstrator for physical chemistry, 2006--2009: responsible for supervision and assistance of 1st year undergraduate students Assistant invigilator, 2006-2009 Student Disability Advice, University of Bath Laboratory assistant, 2006--2009: support of students from physics and chemistry in undergraduate laboratories Mentor, 2006--2009: non-academic support for students from physics and chemistry Reader/Scribe, 2006--2009: Examination assistance for a range of students Medical Records department, James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Clerical officer, 2001-2006: clerical duties in several areas of the Medical Records department, handling of confidential files, working in a team and individually, liaising with employees in other departments Skills Through my employment at Canonical and Openismus, I have developed excellent programming skills, as well as the experience that is required to be a productive part of a team and wider company. I completed my PhD thesis in my spare time, and am thus familiar with the pressures of working and studying simultaneously. I have extensive experience of C and Vala programming languages, together with the GTK+ and Clutter user interface toolkits, git and Subversion source code management systems, autotools build systems, LaTeX, Mallard and DocBook documentation preparation. I am continually expanding my knowledge by being involved in a variety of free and open source projects, including EasyTAG and Cheese, as well as being a contributor to many GNOME projects. For a detailed view of my programming skills, please see my Ohloh profile: https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/amigadave My work at Canonical has provided me with experience of working successfully in an intense and diverse environment, both individually and in a team that is dispersed across continents, and I cope well with the challenges of remote working. My programming experience both inside and outside of the workplace has continuously expanded my understanding of Linux, both as a programming environment and as an operating system. I have given presentations at several international conferences and have excellent public speaking skills. Finally, I am highly capable of becoming proficient in new areas of study with no intervention, and I feel this is as a result of the other skills I possess, my personality and the unique experience that my employment and involvement in the Free software community have been able to offer me. Interests I enjoy photography, both as an artistic endeavour and a chemical process. During 2006 I became involved with PhotoSoc, the student photographic society at the University of Bath, as the training officer, and delivered numerous presentations and critique sessions. I have a strong interest in computing and technology, and consequently possess a wide variety of computing skills. I have been an avid Linux user for fifteen years, and in line with that interest, I am a passionate believer in the ideals of Free and open source software, and follow the community and industry closely. To this end, I am the maintainer of four Free software projects, Cheese, EasyTAG, Vino and Vinagre, three of which are part of the GNOME project. Additionally, I am a GNOME Foundation member. I have enjoyed cycling as a child, and continue to now, cycling regularly, both as a commuter and for recreation. Referees Mr. Matthias Clasen (Red Hat manager), Red Hat Inc., 314 Littleton Road, Westford, MA 01886, United States of America. Email: mclasen@redhat.com Mr. Will Cooke (Canonical manager), Canonical Ltd., 5th Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0SU, United Kingdom. Email: will.cooke@canonical.com Mr. Murray Cumming (Openismus GmbH managing director), Zweibrueckenstr. 15, 80331 Muenchen, Germany. Email: murrayc@openismus.com Prof. Gareth Price (PhD supervisor), Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK. Telephone: +44 (0) 1225 386504, email: g.j.price@bath.ac.uk Last updated: 23rd October 2013 http://amigadave.com/david_king_cv.txt